Great Know-How and fast delivering valuable results
The cooperation with intervista relies always on trust and great flexibility. Although with time constraints they manage to deliver…and that in a competent, reliable and fair priced way. The results are regularly extremely relevant and include valuable recommendations.
Thomas Hüter, Senior Product & Marketing Manager, Third Brand Offering, Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd
An important partner... when it comes to strategic issues
Vocatus is an important partner for simyo: fast, professional assistance when making decisions and when it comes to strategic issues, as well as excellent mobile telecoms know-how, which we use willingly and often.
Thomas Neugebauer, Director of Marketing, Simyo
Many years collaboration and a joint history of success
We’re linked to Vocatus by many years’ collaboration and a joint history of success. Now that we’ve jointly won the German Market Research Prize for the second time in 2010, it’s clear that the approach which combines analytical and pragmatic thinking works splendidly.
Markus Orth, CEO, L'TUR Tourismus AG
We found this company to be an excellent partner because of its ability to get to the heart of issues
Yves Rocher Ukraine highly appreciated the cooperation with Ukrainian Marketing Project and found this company to be an excellent partner because of its ability to get to the heart of issues, which get in way of a smooth and productive working relationship. The involvement of highly qualified employees ensures all points are correctly followed up. We also appreciated the fact, that UMP is quite client-oriented which contributes widely to the success of our projects driving to more effective marketing & advertising communications.
Competent – proactive – human
Impressions of the "Dealer Satisfaction" project: Once I’d taken up my current position in Germany, many on-the-spot visits to our dealers made me realise there was a certain dissatisfaction within the trade. In order to record this initial impression in an empirical and statistically correct fashion, we commissioned Vocatus to produce an analysis of dealers’ satisfaction. Vocatus presented us with the findings (which were to some extent not very pleasant), but also came up with some solutions. With help from Vocatus, we were already able to markedly increase our business partners’ satisfaction in the first year. Today we set the benchmark for the sector!
Impressions of the "Micro-CHP Unit Focus Group" project: This was a focus group to familiarise ourselves with people’s reasons for opting for a heat and power system of this sort. This focus group meant that we learnt lots of new things about this area of business, which is after all new for Honda. What we’ve learnt will be extremely helpful in positioning the product in the market.
All in all: Very competent, very human, and pleasant to work with. We’re very satisfied with Vocatus, and will also work with Vocatus in the future.
Rudolf Harrer, General Manager, Power Equipment Division, Honda Germany