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  • Jul 11, 2024

IRIS is pleased to welcome Amárach Research to our Global Network.

Based in Dublin, Ireland, Amárach is led by Gerard O’Neill. Amárach is one of Ireland’s best known market research agencies, quoted regularly in the media for our research on behalf of clients and other agencies. They help their clients to succeed and grow through a better understanding of their customers’ needs.

Amárach work with a range of public and private sector clients, across a mix of quantitative and qualitative research requirements, from national surveys to focus groups to in-depth interviews. With their research partners, Amárach has developed powerful, AI-based solutions to drive deeper insights from existing studies as well as developing new methodologies using social media and related channels to inform strategy.

Amárach work collaboratively with all their clients —whether directly with companies and organizations, or in partnership with other agencies (advertising, PR, etc.)— focusing on a successful outcome for their clients.

Over 85% of Amárach’s clients return each year for follow up studies, tracking research and new, innovative solutions to their insight and research needs. Amárach is comprised by 20 experienced analysts and executives that enable a wide range of requirements from both large and small clients.



  • Nov 8, 2023

IRIS is pleased to welcome Innov8asia to our Global Network.

Based in Bangkok, Thailand, Innov8asia is led by Mr. Khalid Khan. It is a commercially focused marketing research agency that delivers clear, actionable insights that make a positive impact for their clients and their businesses.

They are a full-service agency, offering the full range of online and traditional qualitative and quantitative methodologies. They deliver fantastic research, starting with intelligently designed studies, followed by excellent execution and insightful analysis and reporting.

Innov8asia achieves this by ensuring all of their clients are managed by experienced, senior research directors, working hands-on and in consultation with clients. The key industry sectors they cover are FMCG/CPG, with a focus on food & beverage, personal care, homecare, healthcare and pharmaceutical. Beyond this, the agency has significant expertise in the telecoms/mobile sector, retail & QSR, automotive and banking & insurance.

 While a lot of the work they do is in Thailand, Innov8asia also has a significant experience in carrying out studies in other S.E. Asian markets including Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia.



IRIS announces Tony Coulson as new President

  • Nov 3, 2023

At our general meeting in Seoul (October 2023), IRIS members ratified Tony Coulson, from Environics Research in Canada, as the next President of the Association. Tony is taking over from Stéphane MARDER, of Sky Consulting in France.

Thank you to Stephane for your service and leadership. We are very excited about the future of IRIS under Tony's leadership.



  • Oct 30, 2023

IRIS is pleased to welcome Pinnacle Analytics to our Global Network. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Pinnacle Analytics is headed up by Johnson Tan.

Pinnacle Analytics is a group of companies focused on market research, analytics, and consulting in Malaysia. Their approach to addressing business challenges is rooted in our commitment to delivering fresh, innovative, and sustainable solutions to the ever-evolving market, thereby helping organizations succeed by gaining a deep understanding of their customers.

Pinnacle’s services encompass both analytics and consulting, along with comprehensive data collection throughout Malaysia and the South East Asia region. They specialize in property and retail development, utilizing a wide range of research methods and analytical practices. This includes traditional surveys and secondary data research, as well as advanced techniques like footfall analytics and social media mining. Their diverse portfolio caters to clients across various sectors and industries, reflecting our ongoing expansion and dedication to delivering high-quality services to a broader market.

Currently, Pinnacle holds positions as committee members in the Marketing Research Society of Malaysia and are also represented in several societal organizations, including the Shopping Mall Association of Malaysia and the Malaysia Retail Chain Association.

Just as the contemporary landscape is constantly evolving, Pinnacle Analytics is continually exploring new techniques and approaches to better serve our clients and guide them toward a more pertinent and sustainable path.

Welcome to the Network, Johnson and Pinnacle Analytics!


IRIS presents its Public Confidence Study 2023 on Health Care

  • Sep 7, 2023

We are proud to announce that we are presenting the first release of our Annual Report on Health Care Confidence. It provides a multi-country view of public sentiment about the state of nations and their economies as well as household financial outlooks.

 Nearly 19,000 people were surveyed across 27 countries during February, March and April, 2023 —a nationally representative sample of 500 to 1,000 adults was interviewed in each country. Among the key results: 

  • Overall, views about health care systems lean to pessimistic, with a majority saying the system is either in crisis (25%) or deteriorating (32%). About four in ten think their country’s system is in excellent (7%) or good shape (35%). More than half in Ireland, nearly half in Greece, and over four in ten in Panama and Romania think their country’s health care system is in a state of crisis.
  • When asked about the cause of problems in health care systems, two-thirds blame inefficient management (63%) compared to insufficient funding (36%). Roughly three-quarters in Panama, Indonesia, Colombia, and Lithuania blame inefficient management.
  • On average, just under four in ten approve of the way their country’s national government is handling the issue of health care. Approval levels vary considerably across countries. Approval levels are the highest in South Korea (74%), Indonesia (69%), and India (68%) and lowest in Bulgaria (17%), Panama (19%), and Poland (23%).


To see all the first breakthroughs, click here: https://shorturl.at/jA456



IRIS presents its Public Confidence Study 2023 on Climate Change

  • Jul 26, 2023

We are proud to announce that we are presenting the first release of our Annual Report on Economic Confidence. It provides a multi-country view of public sentiment about the state of nations and their economies as well as household financial outlooks.


Nearly 18,000 people were surveyed across 26 countries during February, March and April, 2023 —a nationally representative sample of 500 to 1,000 adults was interviewed in each country. Among the key results: 


  • Concern about climate change is high across most countries with an overall average of eight in ten saying they are at least somewhat worried.
  • In almost every country, climate change is seen as a more serious problem for the planet, than for the country, and least so in the local area where people live. Many people look at climate change as a distant problem, not something of direct local concern or relevance – which may be limiting people’s willingness to act. An exception is Turkey, where concern is high locally, nationally and globally.
  • Asked how important the development of renewable energy should be for their country, overall, 50% consider this a top priority. That reaches eight in ten in Mexico and Panama, and two in three in Brazil, Columbia, India, Romania and Italy. Small proportions rate this a top priority in Bulgaria, Turkey, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.


To see all the first breakthroughs, click here: https://shorturl.at/wCFHT


IRIS Presents its Public Confidence Study 2023 on Economic Matters

  • Jun 21, 2023

We are proud to announce that we are presenting the first release of our Annual Report on Economic Confidence. It provides a multi-country view of public sentiment about the state of nations and their economies as well as household financial outlooks.


Nearly 18,000 people were surveyed across 26 countries during February, March and April, 2023 —a nationally representative sample of 500 to 1,000 adults was interviewed in each country. Among the key results:


  • Pessimism is widespread. Half or more in 21 of 26 countries believe their country in general is heading in the wrong direction.


  • At least one-quarter in every participating country believe their national economy is in recession. In 11 countries that is a majority view and in Panama, Italy, Greece, Japan, Spain and South Korea, between 6 and 7 in 10 feel that way.


  • Not only do many think they are already in recession, large numbers are also expecting things to worsen. Half overall, including majorities in South Korea, Japan, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, the UK, France, Poland, Panama, and Colombia think their national economy is getting weaker.


  • Majorities in most countries report having a harder time making ends meet,  And this negative sentiment has an impact on spending, particularly discretionary spending on clothing, dining out and giving to charity, but also on essentials, like food, and in some cases, housing or needed medications.


To see all the first breakthroughs, click here: https://shorturl.at/hEGR0






  • Jun 8, 2023

IRIS is pleased to welcome Red Note to our Global Network. Based in Helsinki, Finland, Red Note is headed up by Juri Mäki.

Red Note is an innovative, entrepreneurial, client-focused agency specialized in consumer understanding and analytics. It is an independent Finnish company established in 2011 by a team of experienced market research professionals and mathematicians.

Red Note is a full-service house using both qualitative and quantitative research methods and specialized in high-end data analysis and insights. They conduct research in a wide range of areas, covering topics such as customer experience, market understanding, brand tracking, innovations and service development. Red Note’s team has extensive experience in international research, both on the consumer and b-to-b side.

Red Note provides services to large companies within FMCG and service sector.

Red Note owns AAA financial rating and has been an overperformer in all key metrics in comparison to industry average (Dun & Bradstreet).

Welcome to the Network, Juri and Red Note!



  • Dec 15, 2020

IRIS is pleased to welcome Nueva Investigación to our global Network. Based in Spain, Nueva Investigación is headed up by Juan Reig.

Nueva Investigación is a trusted partner for both national and international companies interested in conducting projects in Spain, working with all quantitative and qualitative techinques.

For healthcare projects, Nueva Investigación develops its research involving all the relevant stakeholders. It goes beyond specialists and nurses also engaging patients, payers, pharmacists and associations, also in very rare diseases.

When working for other sectors, Nueva Investigación conducts all kind of market research projects, with its own database and with capability to use online, telephone and personal methodologies.

More than 95% of Nueva Investigación clients are recurrent, which proves the quality of its work, the impact of its recommendations and the trust its clients feel when they rely on them for their market research needs.

Welcome to the Network, Juan and Nueva Investigación!



  • May 2, 2019

IRIS is pleased to welcome ILLUMINATE ASIA to our global Network. Based in INDONESIA, Illuminate Asia is headed up by Dawn Herdman.

Illuminate Asia is a Strategic Insights Consultancy based in Jakarta, Indonesia; working across Asia Pacific. Insight and strategy is our passion; we love helping our clients make the right decisions for new opportunities and growth through our expertise in understanding consumers, culture and businesses. We specialise in 4 key areas:

1. Consumer Insights – Full service market research offering including Qualitative (Focus Group Discussions, In-depth interviews, Observation and Ethnography, Online insight communities, Neuromarketing, Co-creation & ideation, Expert interviews, Kids research) and Quantitative Research (Face to face interviewing, Online surveys, neuromarketing)

2. Cultural Insights and Trends - We utilise semiotics approaches to understand cultural meanings behind consumer behaviour, brands and marketing. We map cultural change, identifying emergent future trends for smarter decisions for the future based on what’s happening next. 

3. Brand and marketing strategy - Our approach is multidisciplinary, using behavioural science, neuromarketing, and semiotic thinking to identify actionable insights and translate them into a unique yet relevant brand and marketing strategy.

4. Business intelligence & Market Entry Strategy to help guide businesses enter new markets.



Our French Partner Future Thinking France will Attend the Printemps des Etudes in Paris

  • Mar 20, 2019

Future Thinking France (FTF) will present during the Printemps des Etudes in Paris - Palais Brongniart - on 11th & 12th April 2019, how our models combined with machine learning help companies to optimise their customers experience, their ROI on customers loyalty programs as well as enrich their customers databases.

  • The 1st example will be on « Super Détracteurs», which has been awarded at MRS Awards 2018 in London, in the category: Innovation in Data Analytics. FTF will show you how Liberty Global, major actor in Telco, has optimised its customers loyalty ROI thanks to our predictive modelling and has decreased proactively the churn. In combining different sets of data (research data, internal data: transactional data, equipment, usage, interactions/points of contacts, CRM,...), FTF have successfully built an predictive algorithm for the NPS, with a 80% efficiency rate, score that adjusts itself via machine learning. In fine, the model has been integrated to LG operational system and helped to better target customers on those who are at higher risk (Super Détracteurs) helping the customer team to refine their speech to encourage loyalty.


  • In the pharmaceutical sector, FTF will tell how, for a major laboratory in the case of a launch, this agency has identified the prescription potential amongst specialists targeted in their CRM, in order to prioritise the medical visits and boost the prescription of their new product via targeted operational actions.


  • Finally in the media industry, FTF will explain how via a loyalty predictive modelling they have helped clients even with limited data availability.


To visit the Printemps des Etudes in Paris and be part of this experiencie, enter the website:








Our Mexican partner Claudio Flores Thomas, PhD., will preside the Mexican AMAI

  • Nov 20, 2018

Claudio Flores Thomas, PhD., Vice President and Partner of LEXIA Insights & Solutions, our Mexican partner for the IRIS Network and Member of the IRIS Network Council, will preside the AMAI - the Mexican Association focused on the Intelligence Sector applied to Business and Social Affairs, during the 2019 - 2020 period.

The AMAI was founded in Mexico in 1992. It is an independent group of organizations that carry out different phases during the process of data generation and transformation for decision making in social or business areas. It is dedicated to promote the professionalization of that productive chain, and improve its quality, all for a better development of Mexico. To date, it has 74 companies among its associates.
For this designation, Dr. Flores said that he arrives with emotion and desire to do new things to help this industry, which has given so much to its associates, clients and the Mexican society in general. As always, he added, the ultimate goal is to generate more value for the guild and of course for the AMAI associates.

It is our most profound honor to count with Dr. Flores as an IRIS Network Council Member and as our Mexican partner, and we wish him the best for his future endeavors as the President of the AMAI during 2019 - 2020.


Sugata Research celebrates 10 successful years in business

  • Jan 15, 2018

Sugata Research, the IRIS member for Japan, had a gala event at the Park Hyatt Tokyo to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The gathering brought together both current and previous employees, some of whom travelled from overseas for the event.

The party was our chance to say thank you to those who have helped Sugata become one of the biggest and most successful qualitative agencies in Japan. It was also an opportunity to both reflect on the past and look towards what we will strive to become in the future.

An important part of our future is our involvement with IRIS and we hope that we can help to bring further benefits to this vibrant network.


Welcome to the IRIS Network Market Support!

  • Oct 19, 2017

The IRIS Network is pleased to welcome Market Support to the team.  Based in Thailand, Market Support is headed up by MD, Saismorn Punkrasin.

As a full service research agency, they have extensive experience and expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research, covering a wide array of industries with a focus on FMCG.

Their mission is to provide the best consumer understanding and help clients to creatively use consumer insights to build strong brands and successful innovations.

The Market Support team is proud of their heritage in developing customised research programmes for their clients.  Given the variety and complexity of issues that clients face these days and evolving objectives, this level of flexibility and adaptability they offer helps them to meet client needs effectively.


IRIS announces Q&Q Research Insights as its partner of choice in India

  • Apr 19, 2017

IRIS is proud to announce that Q&Q Research Insights has become the new IRIS partner for India.

Q&Q Research Insights is a boutique market research company specializing in agriculture and rural research, healthcare, mystery shopping, telecom and census.  It is  known for maximizing the value of products, services and brands by providing relevant and actionable solutions which brings the consumer closer and adds value in the decision-making process.

Headquartered in Mumbai, India Q&Q has a strong presence across India through full-fledged research and field offices and can undertake multi-city studies.


intervista present their new, centrally located test studio in Bern

  • Feb 1, 2017

intervista has a new, modern test studio in Bern offering an optimal environment for focus groups, usability tests, in-depth interviews/exploration, workshops and product tests.

The test studio is fitted with a full-wall one-way mirror, allowing you as the client to directly follow the progress of your study from the adjacent observation room. The premises can also be rented and are fully available to external organisations – with support personnel.

To find out more about the test studio, click here.


The intervista Online Access Panel has been successfully certified to the international ISO 26362 standard

  • Feb 1, 2017

By issuing the certificate, Austrian Standards plus, verifies that the panel and its processes satisfy the stringent requirements of the ISO 26362 standard.

intervista was able to demonstrate that it offers professional market research services ranging from the recruiting of survey participants up to conducting the surveys, and including reporting the results. Moreover, criteria relating to data protection and data quality were assessed.

Through this internationally recognised standard, intervista is emphasising the company’s own quality claim and its performance competence.


The Worldwide 2015 IRIS Millennials Study Is Now Live

  • Mar 3, 2016

March 3, 2016 — The IRIS Network, the world’s largest network of research institutes, is proud to announce that results of the 2015 IRIS Millennials study are now live and available online at http://irismillennials.com/

The 2015 IRIS Millennials Survey sought to develop a unique understanding of the demographic cohort projected to overtake the baby boomers in 2015. IRIS asked millennials living in 23 countries for their outlook on the economy, their health and life in general. Along with a full study analysis of millennials living around the globe, the site provides interactive dashboards to explore and visualize data and findings like never before. Visitors are encouraged to dive deep, not only by exploring individual country summaries, but also by working with the dashboards to uncover new insights.http://irismillennials.com/


IRIS spring meeting in Cancun – April 2015

  • Apr 1, 2015

Members of the IRIS network will meet in Cancun this April. Mexican IRIS Partner LEXIA Insights Solutions is responsible for the organization of this major event. As every year it will be a great opportunity for members to network, share and discuss new approaches and trends in marketing studies.


Market Research in Asia: What really Matters

  • Apr 7, 2011

(7 April 2011, Munich)

As the exclusive German partner of the international ‘IRIS’ market research network, Vocatus organised an Asia Forum on 7 April 2011 entitled ‘Market Research in Asia: What Really Matters’. This event allowed market researchers from a variety of different companies to get first-hand information about the situation in various Asian countries, and to make direct personal contact with the leading lights of Asian market research. In order to achieve this, IRIS members from Japan, China, India, Pakistan, Malaysia and Australia came to Germany and reported on the special features, challenges and stumbling blocks facing market research in their respective countries. The fact that this concept met with considerable interest in Germany was already demonstrated when the event was fully booked after just a few days. Participants represented a broad cross-section of B2B and B2C companies that are interested in the Asian market.


Event: IRIS Asia Forum on April 7th, 2011

  • Feb 1, 2011

(February 2011)

On 7 April 2011, IRIS member Vocatus will be hosting a forum entitled 'Market Research in Asia: What Really Matters' in Munich. It will draw upon the expertise of the leading lights of Asian market research, who will be appearing in person in Munich.

IRIS partners from Japan, China and India will be discussing the special features, challenges and stumbling blocks faced by those specifically conducting international studies in Asian markets. More information…


IRIS member Behaviour & Attitudes wins 3 research awards

  • Feb 1, 2011

(February 2011)

At the annual (Irish) Marketing Society Research awards ceremony in Christmas week the local IriS affiliate B&A won 3 out of the 6 Research Excellence awards for 2010. The Marketing Society is the Irish equivalent of the UK Market Research Society, and uses a jury of clients and competitors to adjudicate on competitive papers, and to select and honor a single best-in-class project per category.


International IRIS study wins ESOMAR award

  • Sep 1, 2010

(September 2010)

An international IRIS study conducted in 16 countries and the subsequent analysis has been awarded with the prize for the "Best Methodological Paper" at the international ESOMAR congress in Athens.

Classic pricing research methods are based on the assumption that people always decide rationally. This study demonstrates that, depending on the product, people deal quite differently with the issue of price. Pricing psychology yields a total of five different consumer types who must accordingly be addressed in different ways.
Read more IRIS publications here.


New study: The relationship between consumer and brand has become mainly functional

  • Jul 1, 2010

(July 2010)

Consumers challenge brands and their companies to pay more attention to their needs and bring much more relevant proposals to the foreground.
The crisis seems to be the recoil which repositions today’s consumers at a basic level of Maslow’s hierarchy, the choices they make being governed rather by the need for safety or even by basic needs.Read more

Read more IRIS publications here.


IRIS member Behaviour & Attitudes wins 3 research awards

(February 2011)

At the annual (Irish) Marketing Society Research awards ceremony in Christmas week the local IriS affiliate B&A won 3 out of the 6 Research Excellence awards for 2010. The Marketing Society is the Irish equivalent of the UK Market Research Society, and uses a jury of clients and competitors to adjudicate on competitive papers, and to select and honor a single best-in-class project per category.


2011 Iris syndicated consumer healthcare study

Preparations are under way for the 2011 Iris syndicated consumer healthcare study, which up to 35 member countries will field in the next month.

It is based on a similar network study fielded by members 8 years ago, focussing on personal health perceptions, attitudes to national healthcare standards and seeking guidance on how healthcare priorities need to change.
Clients who are interested in the study (and indeed anyone who might like to include their own questions in one or a number of countries) should contact their local Iris representative


The Art of Pricing

(12 & 13 July 2011, Columbia)

YanHaas, Colombian IRIS partner, presented on 12 and 13 July in Bogotá and Medellín the conference "The Art Of Pricing" by Dr. Florian Bauer, from VOCATUS AG, German IRIS partner. The event convened over 250 people.


Fran6 announced as new Brazilian IRIS partner

IRIS is proud to announce that Fran6 has become the new IRIS partner for Brazil. Fran6 was founded in 1991 and has continuously conducted hundreds of surveys for well-known companies in Brazil and abroad.

The multidisciplinary team is formed by experienced professionals such social scientists, mathematicians, psychologists and marketing developing ad-hoc and continuous studies leveraging the clients' results.


IRIS announces Viewpoint as its partner of choice in Taiwan

IRIS is proud to announce that Viewpoint has become the new IRIS partner for Taiwan. Founded in 1989, Viewpoint now is the largest marketing research company in Taiwan working with an extensive local professional network for Taiwanese and Chinese players as well as for multi-national clients.


German IRIS partner Vocatus nominated for research award

Vocatus AG, IRIS partner in Germany, has been awarded for the prestigious German Market Research Prize 2012. With its fifth nomination, the double laureate Vocatus is the most successful research agency in Germany.


2012 Market Research Olympics: Two Stunning Victories for Vocatus

Nearly 500 market researchers rated the biggest German market research agencies in the hotly disputed disciplines of Innovation, Quality, Service, Reliability, and Methodological Approach. IRIS partner Vocatus scored two Golds and two Silvers and is crowned the winner, ahead of Allensbach and GfK. 

In a survey conducted by the independent marktforschung.de portal, 500 market researchers came to the following decision: Gold for 'Innovation' and Service' goes to Vocatus AG, which is also awarded Silver for 'Quality' and 'Methodological Approach'. This means the Munich-based market research institute and exclusive German IRIS partner mounted the winners' podium on four occasions – and was even in 1st place overall, ahead of the Allensbach Institute and GfK.


2012 SABMiller Award - "Marketing and Advertising Productivity"

At its annual Suppliers Convention 2012, Colombian IRIS partner YanHaas, the Columbian IRIS-Partner, received from SABMiller its third nomination, this year in the category "Marketing and Advertising Productivity".


Vocatus and FAZ win ESOMAR Research Effectiveness Award 2012

German IRIS Partner Vocatus and FAZ have been awarded with the prestigious ESOMAR Research Effectiveness Award. ESOMAR established this prize to distinguish projects that demonstrably improve a company's commercial performance and at the same time achieve an extraordinarily high return on investment.


IRIS announces GRM as its partner of choice in Peru

IRIS is proud to announce that GRM Global Research Marketing has become the new IRIS partner for Peru. GRM was founded in 2008 and has continuously conducted a broad range of tailor-made qualitative and quantitative marketing research projects for well-known national and international companies. The multidisciplinary team is formed by highly experienced professionals such as psychologists, sociologists, communicators, marketing specialists, systems’ analysts, statistics’ engineers, industrial engineers and internationally experienced consultants. To ensure top quality information, GRM also has its own field network


WON! Research Liberation Front - Ginny Valentine Badge of Courage Award

Colombian, South America IRIS Partner YanHaas and their President Catalina Mejía won the “Ginny Valentines Badge of Courage Award” for their job “Market Research Challenges in Emerging Economies” presented at the ESOMAR Global Congress in Atlanta on September, 2012. The Ginny Valentine Badge of Courage was awarded to YanHaas for Giving a Voice to the People, fighting long odds and showing exceptional determination to produce great market research which informs and inspires. See the nomination video here and the winnershere


ARC Rynek i Opinia as the most dynamically developing market research agency of 2012 in Poland

According to the results of the 2012 revenue audit of market research agencies, ARC Rynek i Opinia is the most dynamically developing market research agency in Poland in 2012 (data provided by the Polish Association of Public Opinion & Marketing Research Firms). ARC Rynek I Opinia has achieved the growth of 19.9% in 2012, despite the general decrease of the Polish research market turnout by 4.9%.


IRIS welcomes new members in Mexico, France and Switzerland

IRIS is proud to announce three new partners in Mexico, France and Switzerland. The new IRIS partner in Mexico is Lexia Insights Solutions, which has an especially strong reputation in branding, marketing and communication research. Future Thinking (FTF) is one of the fastest-growing market research agencies in Europe, and has become the new IRIS partner for France. Switzerland is represented by intervista, which also operates an online panel with more than 40,000 Swiss members.


What a victory for Dynamic Search in 2013!

Dynamic Search has won the Local Hero Award as the Market Research Agency of the Year for the fourth consecutive year ( 2010 to 2013). An accolade awarded by Marketing + Advertising magazine. I want to sincerely thank all our clients for your encouragement, genuine feedback, trust and support. We will maintain and even improve on the Services rendered, and uphold the integrity and dignity which typifies Dynamic Search. Thank you so much! We remain, your spirited Research-partner-in-arms! Warm regards, Hsin.


German IRIS Vocatus wins ESOMAR Research Effectiveness Award

Vocatus AG has been awarded with the coveted ESOMAR Research Effectiveness Award in 2013. After 2012, the German IRIS partner has won the prestigious trophy for the world’s most effective research project for the second consecutive time.


IRIS announces MarketLinks as its partner of choice in Bulgaria

IRIS is proud to announce that MarketLinks has become the new IRIS partner for Bulgaria. With over 12 years of experience in the field of marketing and social research MarketLinks works for most multinational companies in Bulgaria. Its special focus is on the FMCG, pharmaceutical and financial services sector for which it also provides consulting in business development as well as in marketing, advertising and communications topics. Next to its multidisciplinary team of research professionals, MarketLinks also has a broad network of well-trained interviewers throughout the country as well as its own online panel with over 3,000 members.


IRIS welcomes new members in Japan and Austria

IRIS is proud to announce two new partners in Japan and Austria. The new IRIS partner in Japan is Sugata, who works with some of the biggest companies in the world, to help them understand the lives and culture of Japanese people. Austria is represented by market Marktforschungs, a leading full service agency.


Behaviour & Attitudes wins two significant contracts

B&A was selected to take over fieldwork on the TILDA contract, the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging, which is principally funded by the Irish State, and a philanthropic organisation, The Atlantic Philantropies, and run by Trinity College Dublin. It is the largest ever study on the health and wellbeing of over fifties in Ireland, and involves longitudinal interviews, and medical checks upon older adults every second year. Its output is used to determine national policy on older people. B&A has also been selected by TNS in Brussells to handle Eurobarometer fieldwork in Ireland. Both studies involve large scale face-to-face fieldwork and detailed internal and external oversight of fieldwork quality, data handling and training procedures.


Vocatus: New Office in Cologne

The German IRIS partner Vocatus, headquartered in Munich, has opened a new office in Cologne. This allows an even more personal contact to its customers in the booming Rhein-Main region.


I’m Research opens NEW Test Studio in Amsterdam

I’m Research has opened a new test studio in the centre of Amsterdam, suitable for Product and Concept Tests; they are the first agency with a test location in the real center of Amsterdam. Situated in close proximity of both residential areas and shopping areas, they can reach a broad variety of Dutch consumers. Whether panel based pre-recruiment or street recruitment is required, for all options we offer the most cost effective solution to your research demands.


Intervista launches cXplore, a customer experience research & co-creation platform

CXplore ist an innovative solution developed jointly by Swiss IRIS Partner intervista and their partner poolpilots. CXplore captures customer experiences in their relevant context. Customers motivations and needs will be identified and also allows customers to participate in the product development process. www.cxplore.com


N-Dynamic China announce office relocation in Beijing to provide better client experience

In order to provide a more comfortable and convenient experience, N-Dynamic has moved its Beijing office to Prime Tower recently following its Shanghai office upgrade. Prime Tower is located in the central business district of Chaoyang District with only about 30 minutes’ drive to the Capital International Airport. Adjacent to many famous commercial buildings and government agencies, Prime Tower is surrounded by various supporting facilities such as hotels, shopping malls, banks and restaurants. The new office provides more comfortable focus group facilities and high speed internet connection to meet the needs of international market research projects.


The intervista Online Access Panel has been successfully certified to the international ISO 26362 standard

By issuing the certificate, Austrian Standards plus, verifies that the panel and its processes satisfy the stringent requirements of the ISO 26362 standard. intervista was able to demonstrate that it offers professional market research services ranging from the recruiting of survey participants up to conducting the surveys, and including reporting the results. Moreover, criteria relating to data protection and data quality were assessed.
Through this internationally recognised standard, intervista is emphasising the company’s own quality claim and its performance competence.


B&A wins top industry prize in Ireland

Behaviour & Attitudes had a good year in the local Research Excellence Awards, awarded by the Marketing Society of Ireland, winning three (out of six) category awards and the overall Grand Prix. The two clients involved are AIB and RTE, respectively Irelands leading bank and broadcaster. AIB’s ‘Backing Brave’ was an initiative to help reposition and grow AIB in the wake of the financial collapse and essential nationalisation of the bank. B&A worked on a series of projects over three years to help develop the business and advertising strategy. The tonality and feel of the multimedia campaign was very different and new, and lead to significant consumer and business reappraisal of the bank, and strong growth. Rather than being ‘about the bank’ the ads are about its customers, the people who take risks starting their own businesses. RTE’s challenge was to grow its digital properties and presence, having been the leading ‘traditional’ media brand. B&As work involved a digital user segmentation, which has been applied successfully across the organisation. This is B&As third time winning the Grand Prix and the company remains the most awarded research and insights agency in Ireland in the seven years since the award scheme commenced.


intervista: new, centrally located test studio in Bern

intervista has a new, modern test studio in Bern offering an optimal environment for focus groups, usability tests, in-depth interviews/exploration, workshops and product tests. The test studio is fitted with a full-wall one-way mirror, allowing you as the client to directly follow the progress of your study from the adjacent observation room. The premises can also be rented and are fully available to external organisations – with support personnel. To find out more about the test studio, click here.